Saturday, 28 July 2007

You Can Not Ignore Personal Finances

My name is Izzy I am 37 years old I have a confession to make I am ignorant about money I know how to make it but I lack the management of it which render my efforts to accumulate it useless. It is on this premise that I would start this blog to explore ways to save money, build wealth to eventual prosper whilst sharing the ideas and tips with you the reader. Immediately after starting my first job I developed a cursory attitude towards money. I knew what my outgoings were per month but I never committed it to paper in the form of a budget. Come end of the month I wondered why I never had any money left while still owing a lot of people money. Everybody knows how difficult it is to live within your means and I can say I have been guilty over the years of spending that outstripped my earnings. I also have been making the classic mistake of assuming that as along as I am earning therefore I am making progress. I has goals then, things that I wanted to achieve that I failed to. One of the reasons why I failed is absence of personal financial planning. Lets face it your goals sometimes are inherently linked with personal finance and to ignore is to accelerate failure. Instead of stumbling from one financial calamity to the other which is no way to build wealth careful management of money is needed. Ideas on how to effectively manage money and prosper evolve everyday as new products and services are thrust to the unsuspecting consumer thats why you have to be vigilant be always on the look out for ways to save money.

I am where I am today because no one prepared me about money yet everything in this world revolves around money. If there is anything wrong with today's education is its lack of financial education. About almost everything is taught in schools today over and above your traditional subjects of Maths & Science. There is sex education, physical education but no one anywhere has ever thought to include financial education in the curricula. The journey for everyone else is the same, when you are born your parents look after you, while you go to school, after formal education you get a job and earning x amount of dollar/pounds a month without any training you are expected to make a working budget for the month. Obviously you are not entirely ignorant about money, you have impressions about money maybe impressed upon you by your parents. Maybe there was a toy, or a school trip you wanted to go to and failed because your parents could not afford it. It that point you might have thought of them as mean people but I guess as you grew older and started earning your own money you then realised that money needed effective management. Some attitudes that we inherited from our parents might not best serve us in our quest to save & grow money a change of attitude is needed.

I cant overstate how wealth building directly correlates to your management of personal finances. Even if you a high earner with a six figure income or you run a successful business, the fastest way to erode that income is mismanagement of personal finances. Start with me today!


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